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Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is a school wide learning program that draws on an evidence base and use of collaborative learning approaches to support the explicit teaching and modelling of personal and social capabilities.


Keilor Views Primary has been a lead school in the implementation of the program since 2017. Our school strongly upholds the belief that every human deserves to be respected, valued and treated with equity. Through adopting a whole school approach to the delivery of the program from Foundation to Year 6, students are supported to build on their learning and develop positive relationship skills, resilience and confidence. 


The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning material covers eight topics at Foundation, Level 1-2, Level 3-4 and Level 5-6. 


Topic 1: Emotional Literacy

Topic 2: Personal Strengths

Topic 3: Positive Coping

Topic 4: Problem Solving

Topic 5: Stress Management

Topic 6: Help Seeking

Topic 7: Gender and Identity

Topic 8: Positive Gender Relations

Better Buddies

How has Better Buddies and Buds helped address bullying at KVPS?

The Better Buddies program promotes a supportive learning environment where senior students become peer support ‘buddies’ to the junior students

KVPS students:

  • have a clear understanding of what constitutes bullying/cyberbullying.

  • develop empathy

  • use the same language across the school eg excluded, bystander

  • know that bullying/cyberbullying behaviour is not acceptable @ KVPS

  • are able to stand up for themselves in a smart but non violent manner – Name It! (building of resilience)

  • support each other if someone displays bullying behaviour

  • articulate inappropriate behaviours to others – students have a voice!

  • feel comfortable in telling a trusted adult and will seek support regarding any bullying incidents

  • know they have the right to feel safe

  • build positive relationships with their peers and teachers

  • builds connectedness to the school

  • come to school happy/improvement in student attendance

  • have trust in our process

  • are much calmer, less physically aggressive

  • engage positively in the programs being delivered and share their experiences with their families

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